Transferring Nest Devices
To start, remove your non smart products from the home to replace them with your Nest devices. After that, installing Nest devices is easy — Check out the help and set-up videos provided on the support website.
Adding and Removing Homes from Your Nest Account
To add a home, open up the Nest app. Go to the menu and click “Add” in the upper right corner. Once this is done, you can remove your old home. Then go back to the home screen and choose the previous location. Click on the settings and choose “Home Info”. Then your can choose “Remove Home.”
When you’ve got your devices all set up you’ll need to reconnect your products to your Nest account. To do this, go to menu at the top left corner and find your new address. Then click on settings and find the “Add Product” bar. Once you’ve scanned or entered each item's identifying code, the app will take you through all the steps for each product to get you connected.
Tip: Make sure that you’ve set up the Wi-Fi connection in your home before you do anything.